The most common smartphone accidents to watch out for

As one of the North West’s leading mobile phone repair service, we have heard many interesting stories about our customers and how their phone screens were broken. We have listed the 5 most common ways customers have broken their mobile phones.

In the toilet:

No one likes to flush money down the toilet but, it seems that a lot of consumers can be accident prone and do exactly that with their precious mobile phones. Almost half of all mobile phones that have suffered water damage is due to an incident involving the toilet. If you have dropped your phone in the toilet and need to repair the water damage, book a repair online today to have our expert technicians come to you in your home or workplace and fix your device. (Make sure you wash your hands first!)

iPhone water damage repairs
Samsung water damage repairs



That’s right, your cute little feline is secretly a vandal in disguise and can often be the culprit in breaking your beloved mobile phone screen. Cats enjoy nothing more than knocking anything precious off your table or windowsill, with your phone being no exception. As to why cats do this, Veterinarian Dr. Ellen Whiteley says that if your cat is bored, they will try to get your attention by doing what they know will work. Unfortunately, this means swiping anything not nailed down onto the floor. Personally, we think that cats are evil, just get a dog.

Cracked iPhone screen repairs
Cracked Samsung screen repairs


In the washing machine:

You’ve had a hard day at work and all you can think about is putting your clothes in the wash and settling down in your comfy bed. However, be sure to check your pockets for anything valuable before starting the wash cycle! It would be a shame if an expensive mobile phone that really doesn’t play nice with water ended up taking a bath. However, looking at how many of our customers use their phones on the toilet, maybe this isn’t such a bad idea after all.

iPhone water damage repairs
Samsung water damage repairs


Dropped in the bath:

It used to be romantic novels or the morning paper that ended up taking a dive in to the soapy depths but, these days we have become so dependant on our mobile phones, that we can’t even take a relaxing bath without spying on people on Facebook, arguing with someone on Twitter or even watching Netflix and YouTube. I mean come on, what has the world come to but whatever the case, one things for sure, Mobile phones, water, soap and scuba diving don’t compliment each other too well.

iPhone water damage repairs
Samsung water damage repairs


Fell off the car top:

Picture this, you are searching for your keys, you place your phone on top of your car. You find your keys, forget about the mobile phone and drive off. Big mistake your phone is now smashed to pieces. Not a nice thought to imagine, we know how you feel and so do a lot of our customers. Luckily for you, our expert technicians can come to and fix your device at home whilst you finish unpacking the shopping.

Cracked iPhone screen repairs
Cracked Samsung screen repairs

Whether you need an iPhone screen repair, Samsung screen repair or something else, make sure you check out our full range of mobile phone repair services.